Introducing a groundbreaking collaboration between Domino's Pizza and the world-renowned game, Fortnite! This unprecedented partnership brings together the world’s leading pizza delivery company, Domino’s and the dynamic gaming landscape of Fortnite, connecting fans and gamers in an immersive experience that blends the digital and physical worlds.
Domino’s X Fortnite Collaboration
Exclusive Domino's-themed Fortnite skins
Gamers will be able to visit Domino's outposts within the Fortnite map, unlocking a new layer of interaction and engagement. Each location offers up exclusive weapons, items and health regenerating pizza.
Players can don exclusive Domino's-themed skins, bringing a slice of style to their Fortnite characters. Look out for pizza-themed assets and items to elevate your gameplay experience as well as pizza making and delivery mini-games!
The Domino’s x Fortnite collaboration
The Domino’s x Fortnite collaboration isn’t limited to the game… Every Domino’s pizza box (purchased in restaurants or delivery) will come with a unique code, allowing customers to redeem limited edition Fortnite skins and items.
This concept collaboration connects pizza lovers and gamers in a way that’s never been done before. Whether you're battling it out in Fortnite wearing your Domino’s themed gear or enjoying a slice while planning your next move, this collaboration promises to deliver slices of joy to everyone involved!
Unlock the Ultimate Victory Royale
Introducing a groundbreaking collaboration between Domino's Pizza and the world-renowned game, Fortnite! This unprecedented partnership brings together the world’s leading pizza delivery company, Domino’s and the dynamic gaming landscape of Fortnite, connecting fans and gamers in an immersive experience that blends the digital and physical worlds.
Domino’s X Fortnite Collaboration
Exclusive Domino's-themed Fortnite skins
Gamers will be able to visit Domino's outposts within the Fortnite map, unlocking a new layer of interaction and engagement. Each location offers up exclusive weapons, items and health regenerating pizza.
Players can don exclusive Domino's-themed skins, bringing a slice of style to their Fortnite characters. Look out for pizza-themed assets and items to elevate your gameplay experience as well as pizza making and delivery mini-games!
The Domino’s x Fortnite collaboration
The Domino’s x Fortnite collaboration isn’t limited to the game… Every Domino’s pizza box (purchased in restaurants or delivery) will come with a unique code, allowing customers to redeem limited edition Fortnite skins and items.
This concept collaboration connects pizza lovers and gamers in a way that’s never been done before. Whether you're battling it out in Fortnite wearing your Domino’s themed gear or enjoying a slice while planning your next move, this collaboration promises to deliver slices of joy to everyone involved!